Monday, January 4, 2010


We can all be inspired by someone or something that moves us to do what we do.  It can change day by day, time from time & year by year.

What got me inspired was by watching "Julie & Julia". It's not the cooking recipe thingy but the blogging part. I miss blogging! After my final departure on Xanga last late summer or somewhere around there, MySpace & Facebook has been my other homes but has not been the best place to post up blogs. But I'm finally back!

I hope that you will all come and visit me from time to time and enjoy your stay. It's just the beginning and more to come! Stay tuned...

The "Set" schedule:

  • Mon-Thurs/Sat-Sun:  Daily blogs on anything that's in my brain
  • Friday:  This one is my favorite to blog on; "FRIDAY MUSIC" (I had this on my Xanga, for those who remembers) And a special feature that I love to do "Blast To The Past".
Feel free to comment, it's always appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. cool!!! just love your idea! ive saved your blog on my pc so dont worry ill be checking you out alot!!! nad
